
New Event "The Power of Lies" Starts!


Mamono-chan meets her other self in a dream.
She says that April Fool's Day has filled the world with lies, and if this continues, the Alchemia Story world will become a bleak world full of lies and deception...
And there is only one way to prevent it. Mamono-chan must absorb the power of lies, then use it and be defeated in that state...
Whaaat?! So I must sacrifice myself to save the world...?
No, you're Mamono so you can revive as many times as you like, right?
...You're right!!

And then our heros ended up fighting Mamono-chan with the power of lies...

Dates (JST)
Start: 2022/4/1 (Fri) 0:00
End: 2022/4/1 (Fri) 23:59

How to Participate
① Let's join the Event from NAVI!
The event starts when accepting "The Power of Lies" and selecting "Move" in the Navi!
*The enemy appears only on April 1st.

1.Open "Navi" from the Menu on the left.
2. Accept "The Power of Lies" from the Event tab.
3. Select "Move" to start the story and move to the event map.
*Please note that you have to clear "Main quest Ch.14 The two maids" to join this event.

② Let's enjoy the April 1st limited event!
The reward for clearing is 1000 Gems.

*This event is available on April 1st only.