
Double chance campaign for selected Area Boss drops!
We're having a campaign with a double roll chance for Area Boss "Ocypete" and "Duroc" drops!

Start: 2020/9/23 (Wed) 18:00
End: 2020/9/30 (Wed) 13:59

During the campaign period, Area Boss "Ocypete" and "Duroc" drop item roll is doubled!
(Please note that the drop rate is not changed)

*Additional roll for Akashic Weapon material drops is possible only when equipping (Avatar ok) the SR job weapon that matches the job.
*The target levels are Beg to Adv. (Items that drop only at the advanced level will have the additional roll only at that level.)

Area BossMap
OcypeteMountains, seas and beaches
DurocFruiting Peninsula

