
Luxury Potato Effect Adjustment
This is Alchemia Story Operation Team.

We have adjusted the abilites for items "Luxury EXP Potato", "Luxury Hunting Potato" and "Luxury Golden Potato" as follows in order to get high effects even in a short play time.

Luxuryexperiencepotato1 hour If you use Obtained in the battle EXP is 150% upEXP gained in battle increases 300% when used for 30 min
Luxuryhuntingpotato1 hour If you use An item after battle Available probability is 150% upRate to get items after battle increases 300% when used for 30 min
Luxurygoldpotato1 hour If you use Obtained in the battle Zell is 150% upZell gained in battle increase 300% when used for 30 min

Scheduled day of adjustment
2019/11/13 (Wed) after maintenance.